JDM Technology Group acquires JobPower
2018 Top Product is Awarded to Computer Guidance’s eCMS v.4.1 Cloud-Based ERP Solution
- easy-to-use interface and navigation through intuitive dashboards
- integrated browser-based applications accessible on any device anytime and anywhere
- unparalleled construction-specific functionality that has decades of proven performance
- the industry’s most reliable cloud ERP platform
- cutting-edge technology trusted by over 50,000 users
Computer Guidance Corporation Successfully Passes SOC 2 Type II Audit For Its Cloud Hosting Systems, Services and Associated Processes
Computer Guidance Corporation Successfully Passes SOC 2 Type II Audit For Its Cloud Hosting Systems, Services and Associated Processes
Assurance provided by CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP in Accordance with Attestation Standards Established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Scottsdale, Arizona – February 6, 2018 – Computer Guidance Corporation, the leading developer of Cloud-based ERP software solutions for the construction industry, today announced receipt of its annual Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type II (SOC 2 Type II Audit) attestation engagement report. The trust services report provides independent validation that Computer Guidance Corporation’s security, availability and confidentiality controls operated in accordance with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant (AICPA) applicable Trust Services Principles and Criteria (TSPC).
The SOC 2 Type II Audit reviewed several processes and procedures that have been implemented by Computer Guidance to proactively manage the cloud environments that host the eCMS system, including the relationship with Avnet and associated Tier III data centers, including:
- eCMS Hosting Services System based on the criteria set by the AICPA Guide Reporting on Controls at a Service Organization Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, or Privacy (SOC 2®)
- The suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of controls to meet the criteria for the Security, Availability, and Confidentiality Trust Principles set forth in TSP section 100, Trust Services Principles, Criteria, and Illustrations for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy (AICPA, Technical Practice Aids) throughout the period.
“Computer Guidance Corporation’s commitment to strong internal controls in regard to their cloud-based hosted system solutions and services is evident in this report,” stated Mark Eich, Partner In Charge of Information Security Services, CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP. “Computer Guidance Corporation’s successful completion of this audit for the past six years demonstrates its integrity, accountability, and commitment to its clients. Computer Guidance customers can be confident that controls described within the report are accurately depicted and were operating as represented during these engagement periods.”
“Our customers rely on Computer Guidance to deliver secure and reliable managed hosting systems, services and ensure data security and systems controls,” stated Bob Shantz, Director of Infrastructure and Cloud Services, Computer Guidance Corporation. “SOC 2 Type II certification further gives our clients confidence that Computer Guidance complies with their internal security policies and standards.”
About Computer Guidance Corporation
With over 20% of their client-base represented on top ENR lists, Computer Guidance Corporation has long delivered the leading construction-specific enterprise resource planning solution including financial and project management applications, #1 business intelligence, mobile technologies and enterprise content management. Scalable, custom configurable and available both cloud hosted and private cloud, eCMS serves the needs of thousands throughout North America and has been named as the ERP solution of choice by the AGC. Computer Guidance Corporation is part of JDM Technology Group, a global construction-specific software conglomerate that serves more than 45,000 users in 40 countries and 6 continents. For more information, visit www.computerguidance.com or call 888.361.4551.
JDM Technology Group, the parent company of Computer Guidance, acquires Plusfactor
JDM Technology Group, the parent company of Computer Guidance, acquires Nimbus
- Nimbus – www.nimbus.co.nz
- JDM Technology Group – http://jdmtechnologygroup.com
- Computer Guidance Corporation – www.computerguidance.com